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Why do you need deed searches?

  • Prevent property and identity fraud by verifying the deed ownership of a specific property.
  • Confirm the title owner of a property in the event of a property sale, rent, or settlement.
  • Confirm the bond information of a specific property in order to establish if a property holder is behind on payments.
  • Get up to date information of a property holder including past properties to prevent identity fraud or false property purchases.

Deed search report examples

Individual Property Search

You can find out the property information such as the ERF number, bond and contact information including ante nuptial agreements etc.

Deeds Document Copy Request

Use the Deed Document Copy utility to find out about documents registered in the Deeds Office and request electronic copies of these documents.

Deeds SG Diagram Request

View the dimensions and layout of a specific property, you can also see any road, council or right of way servitudes registered over the property. *

Spider Search Report

You can search on an individual, company and trust which includes all current and previously owned properties and associations that are linked to a search criteria.

Company Property Search

You can find our the property information such as the ERF number, bond (if any) and contact information for power of attorney *

Additional ERF Searches

For a standard ERF search report you can use the physical address, bond information, bondholder information for ERF, Farm, Agricultural and Sectional Scheme

* For company property searches, you need to do an additional ERF search to get the physical address
* For deed SG diagram requests, there is an unspecified waiting time for SG Diagrams due to delays at the deeds offices.

Benefits and Features of utilising the deed search report

  • Receive up-to-date land registration information which originates from the Deeds Registration System database.
  • You can complete a comprehensive search for the following: deeds document number, personal information of the owner, company registration information etc.
  • Use the Deed Document Copy utility to find out about documents registered in the Deeds Office

Register now and access the deed searches platform

All online credit bureau reports available on one web platform
R 800 excl. VAT once-off admin fee
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