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Why do you need commercial debt collection?

  • Our experienced agents have a vast network of tools available to encourage your defaulting clients to pay.
  • MarisIT offers commercial debt collection services through a partnership with SA’s leading commercial debt collection agencies (Commercial debt collection only, no collections on individuals).
  • We work on a “No collection, no fee” basis so your hand-over is risk free.
MarisIT offers commercial debt collection services through a partnership with SA’s leading commercial debt collection agencies
(Commercial debt collection only, no collections on individuals)
Collected Amount% Charged
0 > R100 000.0015%
R100 000 > R250 000.0013%
R250 000.00 > R500 000.0010%
R500 000.00 > R750 000.009%
R750 000.00 > R1 000 000.008%
R1 000 000.00 > 6%

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